That's what I am talking about with the mules.
Here is my condition. I have Ankylosing Spondylitis. It is a disease the usually occurse in men in their late 20's and gets progressively worse over the years. There is no known cause or what to stop it, you can try like heck to slow it down though. This disease works its way through your spinal column and hip and the bones will gradually FUSE together. Some people are lucky and get it in their hips and they can have those replaces. I wasn't so lucky. My disease has progressed through my entire spine and now ALL but 1 vertebra is fused solid to the one on either side of it.
In High School I was about 6'2" tall, at my last months doctors visit I was measured out at 5'9". That's quite a loss in 20 years. Eventually I will be like those little old men that you see hobbling down the street with a hump in their upper back. Some cases get so bad that the person who has it has to look through his legs and walk backwards to get where he wants to go.
So there it is. I have never told anyone online my medical condition before. That's the reason I can't walk very far and hills would be very tough on me. It just seemed like riding a horse each day would be the best and most painless way to be able to hunt. I don't think I could do a traditional walking hunt, I really don't. The medications I take each day to even keep me functioning also do lots of damage to my body. I have taken so many medicines in the past 10 years when it really started getting bad that they have all built up and are destroying my teeth. I need so much dental work now that I have no idea how I am ever going to pay for it. This disease has taken my molars on the bottom right rear, the top left and now my eye tooth is cracked in half as well as the tooth to the right of my big tooth in front. And by the way, I need a couple of root canals. I have no way of even hoping to be able to pay for that restorative work. I don't know if I'll be able to or not. I'll probably end up sitting here and waiting for them to all crack off at the gum as the previous ones did and then they'll fall out.
To illustrate how severe my neck and spine is, when I want to see the moon or the stars I have to bring a mirror outside to look at their reflection. I can't look up, my neck vertebrae are fused as is my whole spine. That's what inhibits my walking great distances. My doctor tells me that they call spines like mine, BAMBOO, because my vertebrae fused together look like a stick of Bamboo.
I guess I said too much. When I think about it, seriously evaluate the possibility of going on an Elk hunt I really don't think I'd ever be able to pull something like that off no matter what provisions were made for me. Even if I could do the hunt, I would have to spend them money trying to salvage what teeth I have left to be able to eat like a normal person again after over a year of having to make sure everything I eat is sorta soft and mushy when it comes to the plate.
Oh well, GOD gave me a brain and an imagination and that's what I am going to use on my Elk Hunts. I can just dream it. I'll hunt vicariously through you fellers.
Sorry to spring all this on you all, but I wanted you to know what you were dealing with in recommending hunts for me.
Thank you kindly for your time and help. I appreciate it greatly. It means a lot to me.