My Wife is from New Foundland I spend a lot of time there and have logged many miles through the bush and have bumped into many "Bog Donkeys"!!!!
My Father in law is due for his tags this fall and i told him I will be up for the fall bow season. Last time i was in Newfoundland was Christmas and on Dec 31st my F-I-L and I went for one of our "walks” to check out a spot of old timbers and walked right up on a cow in a birch bed, it was just out of bow shot but we could have gotten closer.
I wont tell you about last fall!!! if we had are tags i tell you!
Is getting within bow range of 6 moose in two days twenty minuets from your door step good?
didn't know anything about DNR giving out more tags but I do know there is a pile of them out there, more Moose than people is a good thing!