Originally posted by moththerlode:
Zradix , wonder how the wipe on would work dipping , maybe even wipe after dipping, just thinking out loud here
I'm sure you could but it would sorta negate some of the benefits of the stuff.
I found that pouring a little in a small bowl..actually the bottom to a plastic 8oz bottle and dipping a folded (double layer) 2-3" squarish piece of bounty paper towel works good.
Just dip and wipe and repeat.
If the towel starts to fray a bit tear off and fold a new piece. let dry for 1/2hr to 2 hours depending on how you dry...I put my drying stand ( 2x4 with some shallow holes drilled in it) in front of a space heater if I want to hurry things. BTW don't let it get too hot or the stuff will bubble slightly where it was filling pores.
Do a quick rub with 0000 steel wool between coats.
Maybe dipping is easier as I haven't tried it but golly this seems pretty fool proof...I'm proof of that!
The smell is welcome in my house as the Wife likes me smelling of cut wood and finish..what can I say I'm a lucky guy!