Stu's DSC program is fantastic. It's basically a virtual "what if" program where one can play with various shafts of carbon, wood or aluminum without having to buy any shafting to make arrows to see which ones work out of one's bow.
In my situation shooting 32" arrows out of my two low poundage hunting recurves, I never thought of trying a 2212 aluminum arrow, but on a whim, I tried it in Stu's program and it was feasible. After I got a half dozen 2212s, it worked as advertised and all I really had to do was fine tune by adding or subtracting point weight in conjunction with raising or lowering the brace height.
The key to using the program is putting the correct info into all of the various data boxes. The "cut past center" is where most wrong info is put in and that really throws off the calculator.