I'm probably being paranoid, but I thought I read here that fast flight string needs to ride on phenolic, not the actual wood ?
I have a Ron Fowley 60 inch longbow, and a Chuck (pure Michigan) Two Tracks longwalker 60 inch longbow. The ends of the bow tips are wood/ phenolic) I think both bowyers told me fast flight was Ok, on the fowley, the string is defiantly sitting on wood, on the Two Tracks long walker there is 3/4 phenolic & 1/4 wood contact with the string. I'm having Josh (oliverstacy) making me up some strings and it sounds like he likes fast flight. I don't have a problem with fast flight, but I'm the type to take care of my bows, hopefully I will hand them down to my nephew 30 years from now and I don't want to abuse them with fast flight string. Am I being to paranoid on fast flight string ?