Well, you now have my two favorite longbows, the Non-Typical and the Shrew. I want to try out a Big Jim Bow too. They look really nice. You are probably loving the Shrew like most people do who get to shoot them. I have three "Gold" Shrews, along with the others. My 68# Super Shrew Samurai takedown is going with me to Australia to hunt buffalo the first half of June. I will take one of my older 70# Brackenbury recurves that Jim built for me in 1984 as my backup bow.
Glad to hear all is well with you and Kimber. Sounds like the gym has been worthwhile. I know it is a lot of work, but you guys have obviously been sticking with it for a long time. Losing that weight and getting fit will give you longer and better quality lives, which I want for both of you. There are not enough good people like you in the world, and we need you around as long as possible!
See you soon my friend.