I haven't used the Bear Paw, but I like it (the Cajun) better than any I've used. Can't wear them out (I still have and use my first one that I got when I was learning to make strings), and I really like the dual tension system. You can fine-tune the tension. I have a different one for every different spool of serving I use...30 or 40-something, I think (haven't counted lately), plus plenty of spares. My spares keep getting sold, so I have to order more every so often.
Tim, forgive my ignorance of the fly-wheel--if my life depended on my mechanical skills, I'd have been dead meat a long time ago. I like the extra weight because I set the tension on mine pretty high for a nice, tight serving--the extra weight helps it spin around without me contantly pushing with my fingers. It also helps when you "bounce" the string to serve.