In my opinion, bare shaft tuning is time consuming, frustrating which can lead to aggravation. Cutting off a 1/4" here, glue in the insert, shoot bare shaft, if not right, take the insert out, cut off another 1/4", repeat the process, etc, etc. If you cut the bare shaft too short, you start over. For me, bare shaft tuning was a "pain in my rear end" and I despised it for 45 years. Oh, and your arrow release using your fingers better be good that day.
During the last two years, I have tried many different arrow setups for both of my two recurves. My 37# recurve can shoot 2114s, 2212s and 2213s. All with different point weights and different brace height settings. My 42# recurve can shoot 2212s, 2213s, 2215s and 2117s. Again, all with different point weights and different brace heights. None of the arrow setups was done by bare shaft tuning.
When Stu Millers calculator program along, this was the cat's meow for me. It's like a virtual "what if" program where you can see how different length arrow sizes with different point weights should perform without having to buy the arrows.
I wanted to shoot a 32" aluminum arrow and no other length. Using his calculator program, I plugged in the arrow length along with the corresponding arrow sizes and different point weights and the rest of the correct info into the 14 boxes. His program always gets me close for a tunable arrow. When I found ones I liked, I shot a few arrows out of my bows and then fine tuned by raising or lowering the brace height. Simple, easy, effective and efficient.
With Stu's calculator program and it works very well for me, I haven't bare shafted for the last 2 years and with that said, I kicked the bare shaft tuning the curb. I'll never bare shaft tune again. The reason; the time it takes me to tune 4 arrows using Stu's program is equivalent to the same time it takes me to tune 1 arrow using bare shaft tuning. The results are the "same", but without any of the bare shaft hassle if you get my drift. My only lament, I wish Stu' program would have been around 47 years ago when I was 14 years old and started bowhunting.