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Author Topic: A standing ovation to all archery coaches!!!  (Read 533 times)

Offline snag

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A standing ovation to all archery coaches!!!
« on: May 23, 2011, 10:53:00 AM »
My limited experience with coaches is through a great one in this day and age. Rod Jenkins is his name. My limited time with him I felt he was a humble, yet strong man, not just in physical strength. He probably will find these words of mine a little embarrassing. But I will be greatful to him for the rest of my life. That's just the way it is. When you have someone add to the quality of your life in anyway we need to take the time to say "Thanks" and tell them what they have done to improve you in some way is appreciated.

I was just reading a book that had highlighted the downward trend in archery. This was printed in the '30's and was talking about the 1880's! It discussed how to reverse this. The man stated that it wasn't the tackle and this should be even truer today with all the access to great bows, arrows, etc. He proclaimed it was "technique"! That we need capable, trained coaches, expert instructors...just like in the golfing world. Oh, I know, there are some of you who say "I do instinctively" and on and on. Well that's all well and good for you. But whether it is music or golf or cooking or archery you must have a firm foundation to build upon. Men like Rod Jenkins should be applauded for their efforts. They are taking some of us and trying to install meaningful shot sequences, ways to be accurately repeatable, that we may continue to improve and then take that to the next generation. For without this the next generation may fail. Anything worth doing is worth doing well. We don't have to achieve to be Olympic archers. Just to be the best we can be. That next generation may fling arrows, have the bow string blacken their forearm, and just plain quit because they didn't have the tools to succeed.
I for one, for some unknown reason, was put in the path of such an unselfish and highly patient teacher. I feel blessed by this and have a responsibility with this upon me. My son-in-law and his son will know, if they wish to, what should be known and applied to their shooting of a bow. Because of this they will have a step up, a head start over where I was when I blundered along with a bow for years. Hopefully their friends will see how much fun and success they are having at this archery thing and want to join in. Fun attracts people! Ever notice this? It is the efforts of Rod Jenkins and many others that have made it possible for me and a lot of others to have fun and be successful at whatever level we aspire to.
We go through life often not saying thank you until it is too late. We compliment bowyers, hunter's accomplishments, and other aspects of this passion of ours. And we should. There is one part of this world of archery that sometimes is overlooked. In a lot of ways it is the most important.
  "Thank you Rod, and all other archery coaches/teachers, for your efforts. You have and will make continue to make a far more reaching impact on the world of archery/bowhunting than you may or may not realize. I applaud you for your efforts in trying to help archery grow and improve the quality of shooting with each person you come in contact with."      :clapper:  
Isaiah 49:2...he made me a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver.

Offline NoCams

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Re: A standing ovation to all archery coaches!!!
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2011, 11:12:00 AM »
He is a wicked taskmaster David ! As I am sure you found out. Never knew how hard it is to shoot a bow till I spent a few evenings with Rod. You can send me any of those fine Surewoods or Acmes that are now probably too short for you, haha ! Most folks pick up 1-2" of draw length after Rod shows them the slow mo film of their shot. Rod is a great teacher and gent that is for sure. Good on ya Rod for giving back to the sport we all love !!!
TGMM  Family of the Bow
"Failure to plan is planned failure"

Offline Pete McMiller

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Re: A standing ovation to all archery coaches!!!
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2011, 11:30:00 AM »
Rah, rah, rah,  :clapper:   I too am a Rod Jenkins convert.  Best money I have spent in archery in 50 years.  Just this morning I thanked Rod when my top limb hit me in the head at the 'conclusion' of my shot.  I haven't aimed at a target in over a week but have made great progress with the blank bale set up against my pantry cabinet.  :rolleyes:  

I agree with you Snag, archery needs all of us to be competent coaches for others to fully enjoy this sport.

Charter member - Ye Old F.A.R.T.S and Elkaholics Anonymous

MOLON LABE  [mo 'lon  la 've]

"That human optimism & goodness that we put our faith in, is in no more danger than the stars in the jaws of the clouds." ............Victor Hugo

Offline Bjorn

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Re: A standing ovation to all archery coaches!!!
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2011, 11:43:00 AM »
Adam and I are 'graduates' of Rod Jenkins 2 day seminar-the one in Hood River, organized by snag 2 years ago and we can definitely echo the prior comments. Coaching by a top professional like Rod is time and money well spent.  Pretty soon it will be time for a refresher!   :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:

Offline snag

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Re: A standing ovation to all archery coaches!!!
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2011, 01:00:00 PM »
I think a refresher would be good Bjorn. Couldn't do the one in Idaho...maybe Oregon again? Northern California along with a hog hunt?
Isaiah 49:2...he made me a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver.

Offline Old Chief

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Re: A standing ovation to all archery coaches!!!
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2011, 01:13:00 PM »
I too am unable to attend the one in Idaho, but have heard he is an excellent instructor.  I would be very interested in attending one his classess on the west coast if it is ever offered again.

Offline Junglecat

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Re: A standing ovation to all archery coaches!!!
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2011, 04:16:00 PM »
I organized and also attended a 2-day clinic taught by Rod at the Ky Tradfest in Harrodsburg Ky the first week of April 2011.The 12 spots for the clinic were filled.People attending the clinic were from NC,W.Va,Ohio,Tenn,Indiana,and of course here in Ky.I think everyone would agree it was time and  money well spent.Rod knows his stuff and gives each person personal hands on attention.It also helps a great deal to see him work with the other students in the class.I know he stays busy with these clinics  and he was actually conducting a clinic in Oslo,Norway this past weekend.He is a fine gentlemen as well.I wish I had taken a class like this many years ago.
Bear Grizzly 58"        38 lbs@29"
Black Widow PCH III 60" 44 lb@29"
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