had i seen this thread earlier i would have pulled it. as it is now, i'll close it.
negativity does nothing to get to the root of a problem or solve it, nor does trad gang allow such topic and posts. the real question is whether or not the op's topic has merit ... or not.
y'all bashed it up a bit and the bottom line is that trad gang is a slice o' life and there are all kinds of peoples out there.
experiencing no return replies after sending out images of something you have to sell is nothing new and will continue forever.
you don't hear back within a reasonable period of time, that person is history. just that simple.
is it rude not to reply after receiving a seller's bow images on request? perhaps, depends, but i see no clear cut reason why someone hasta reply to receiving images, but i do see the potential buyer wanting to reply if the images never arrived.
this is really all nitpicking - selling and buying bows is business, pure and simple. and now here we are making a public issue of someone venting. not.
please, no public venting.
you feel the need to vent, you have my pm and email address, no problem!
thanx for your understanding.