I'm with JL on this especially since I now have a good pair of glasses, thanks JL, I'll PM you tomorrow morning as I am running out of time now.
I have stalked up to some pretty big bucks with them facing me, I had the wind and it had just rained a enough to get the noisy ground wet. I have also had bucks walk up on me when I didn't expect it and neither did they.
I had about 6-8 does walk up on me while I was hiding on one side of a tree, well they finally walked to one side of the tree while I am looking on the other side. There I am wondering where they went and as I go to look on the other side of the tree they are within 5 - 8 FEET of me. Needless to say we all jumped out of our skins, but it was pretty funny, and they get real mad when you out smart them, or at least these does did.
Now if the conditions are right, that is the only way to hunt.
Hope this helps.