Originally posted by Friend:
Great article, however I take exception on the recommendation for the speed range of a 550 gn arrow wt from 180 to 200 fps in order to recommend a 3 blade BH for elk sized game.
The last sentence in the paragraph that you pulled this from acknowledges that arrows well outside of my recommendation have proven their worth. I purposefully wrote that to acknowledge that my recommendation is not gospel and that so nobody would "take exception" with my recommendation. The next sentence acknowledges that there are those who disagree and that my advice errors on the side of caution.
Originally posted by Friend:
An average 45#@ 28 bow, shooting a 550 gn arrow may likely fall short of the 160 -180 fps 2 blade BH recommendation for elk. The shorter draw guys for sure would be well below the recommendation.
I think you read this wrong.
I said that 160-180 is boarderline and that I
usually suggest a two blade for elk or larger. Usually...meaning sometimes I don't. As in times when other penetrating factors are present.
Originally posted by Friend:
My intent is not to push 3 blade BH’s, however they do deserve a little clearer and attainable yet lethal recommendation if one is to be provided.
160fps is pretty attainable. If you shoot 160fps with a 550gr arrow - set up with perfect arrow flight and weight forward, with a well built and solid three blade broadhead - then I think you have a deadly elk arrow. That would fall within my recommendation - which was very broad, very short, and purposefully vague.
Take it for what it's worth. Enjoy the 4th!