I wear camo (but only when I'm hunting). I first saw Predator in the LL Bean catalog back in the 80s and have worn nothing else since. The new Evolution stuff is just awesome, but I don't think deer can focus tightly enough that it matters that much. It is more important to not look like a human (or a bear or a lion) than it is to look like a tree or a bush. I mean, you could probably get by just fine looking like a rusty old farm implement.
Ungulates have more rods than cones. That means they can see well in the dark and are especially sensitive to movement, which they can catch something like 300° (don't quote me). But it also means they can't focus very well on detail. (Birds? Just the opposite. For them you need blending not disruption. Many of the things they eat rely on camo.) Deer supposedly can see blue and a bit into the UV range ... according to people who sell products designed to block UV enhancers in laundry detergent. I'm not sure they know what it means, tho.
I have a friend who wears a t-shirt (whatever's laying around) and blue jeans. He does very well. And he hunts from the ground, hunting almost totally by ambush.
He thinks camo is all in my head. He might be right but it's in there and isn't going anywhere. I think camo gives you a bit of breathing room when you screw up and make a noise or something.
I agree totally with the "don't stink" advice. I camo there, too. I am a firm believer in HS Specialties Scent Wafers and in scent free soap and ... water and not smoking or making fires or chewing and keeping my camo in bags with scent wafers. Still, there's the wind wheeling around and yup, there's that barking doe... pretty sure that bush over there ain't what it doesn't appear to be...