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Author Topic: Bowhunter Magazine's Trad Section  (Read 966 times)

Offline Wary Buck

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Re: Bowhunter Magazine's Trad Section
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2011, 03:26:00 PM »
A couple things.  We've got to be careful NOT to paint with a broad brush when we address the magazine industry as it pertains to bowhunting.  (I've got to admit I'm guilty of this when it comes to TV, but that's a different story).

First, as of now, Bowhunter Magazine continues to hold the line against crossbows in their magazine.  Some of the above posts made it sound like BHM has followed the others in that direction.  They have not.  That alone is reason enough I think we all should support them.  Some of you have stated that they are pushing crossbows.  That's factually inaccurate.

Second, Bowhunter Magazine has had the two special Stickbow sections for a number of years now.  So this isn't just something new.  And they've frequently published articles from some of us trad writers in issues/locations other than the stickbow sections.  

Third, I DO think that part of BHM's policy is very much due to a respect toward trad bowhunters and writers from past editors M.R. James and Dwight Schuh.  You may remember that when Dwight had major shoulder issues, he shot with his teeth.  I suspect new Editor, Curt Wells, will have the same respect.

Fourth, I just grabbed two handy Bowhunter Magazine issues and found ZERO advertisments for male enhancement or Dr. Wynifred Cutler's pheromones or anything else like that.  I don't recall ever seeing them in BHM.  I could be wrong.  We see them everywhere else--especially F&S, OL, SA, etc.  I see them in NRA all the time, and most of the other magazines which is why (that and the crossbow explosion) I've not re-upped my subscriptions to any of the others besides BHM, TBM, PBS.  When the others run out, they're done.

I am privy to some knowledge that under management changes over the years, BHM was somewhat forced to take ads for ATVs, etc.  These magazines still have to pay the bills, but I know that this wasn't what the editors wanted at the time.  The most non-bowhunting ad I saw in the BHM I looked at was for a brush-hog type tiller which I suppose goes toward the food plot crowd.

In sum, I really like BHM.  I think they are the one mainstream bowhunting magazine in this day and age that deserves my support.  Don't confuse BHM with the half-dozen others that are peddling crossbows and the like.
"Here's a picture of me when I was younger."
"Heck, every picture is of you when you were younger."
--from Again to Carthage, John L. Parker, Jr.

Offline East Coast archer

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Re: Bowhunter Magazine's Trad Section
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2011, 03:36:00 PM »
If what Bryce says is true I retract my comments about the xbows.  I tried to look for BHM at my local store but they had none.  I just can't stand magazines that 2 years ago were anti xbow and now that the manufacturers are throwing their money at them it is ok.  In NJ they legalized xbows during the archery season and I can't tell you how many lazy slob hunters now "Bowhunt" because of it.
"God gave you feet for a reason, so you can take a step forward and keep moving, even though it's hard, but you have to because the tides going to come in." TAC

Offline Red Beastmaster

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Re: Bowhunter Magazine's Trad Section
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2011, 03:41:00 PM »
I subscribe to Bowhunter and don't recall ever seeing anything about Xbows.

The Stickbow Hunting section appears a couple times per year and there is usually something I can relate to in every issue. Fred Eichler's articles are good no matter what he hunts with.

There is quite a bit that I skim over or don't read at all. This issue has an article about using computers to help you find deer, and yet another story from Chucky bragging about himself. Couldn't force myself to read either one.

Overall it is a fine magazine that really helped me get started in bowhunting over 25 years ago.
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Offline JimL

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Re: Bowhunter Magazine's Trad Section
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2011, 06:24:00 PM »
Hey guys I was at a range in Oklahoma City the other day and talked to the archery guy.  They have a brand new archery section with indoor range, video shooting booth, and a tuning lane with draw weight scales-chrono-paper tune rack--etc.  They were doing just mainly wheel stuff.  I told the guy trad is the coming thing and to my supprise he said we reconize that and we have a big shipment of trad stuff coming to accommodate them.  Like it was stated earier these people have to make a living and they watch.  I sure think we need to support the guys who support our passion because thats who they are not just the come and go with the money folks.  Trad Gang and some others kind of like it(there isn't any like it) are making a big impression on the country and world too I guess not just the market.  It is just what everyone is looking for whether they know it or not.  Its the people who make this site so outstanding from the admins on down.  Look at the numbers.  I joined in june of 2010 and am #24141 the newest member is #34568 I think it is.  Over ten thousand growth in one year.  On this site you get more than bow info.  It is the camaraderie (etc) as much as anything that makes this site special.  The class of people are outstanding and silently demand the best from everyone else and verbally too if need be.  I say support those who supported us when the pickins were thin.  We have the power to return the favor or the spirit now.  That's really what it is we have isn't it--the spirit that ties us all together and makes us want to be what we were meant to be.
...by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself; whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.   Col  1:20

Offline wooddamon1

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Re: Bowhunter Magazine's Trad Section
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2011, 08:11:00 PM »
Wary Buck took the words right outta my mouth...
"The history of the bow and arrow is the history of mankind..."-Fred Bear

Offline Gen273

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Re: Bowhunter Magazine's Trad Section
« Reply #25 on: June 16, 2011, 11:34:00 PM »
I also enjoy their Stickbow section.
Jesus Saves (ROM 10:13)

Offline Jon Stewart

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Re: Bowhunter Magazine's Trad Section
« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2011, 06:04:00 AM »
Primitive Archer magazine is my go to magazine even over TBM.  Can't recall even going thru a Bowhunter magazine.

Offline Bowwild

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Re: Bowhunter Magazine's Trad Section
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2011, 06:40:00 AM »
I'm a big fan of BHM. I don't always subscribe so I miss some issues. However, it seems as if the Trad Section in the back has been a regular part of the magazine for a few years now. It is one of the reason I buy the magazine, years before I returned from compounds.

The archery pie is getting bigger and this will continue.  According to the Sporting Goods Manufacturing Association, archery grew 7% in 2009 -- this is 28 times more growth in a single year than the previous 7 years combined (2% combined in the prior 7 years). This is no accident.

I have been an F.Eichler fan as well. However, I have to admit he dropped a huge notch in my book when the "WWFD' campaign started.

The bowhunting magazines I can't stand are those annual (semi-annual?) equipment issues.  If I wanted a catalogue I can go on-line to any company I want and view it there for free.

I used to read the OLife, FStream , and SAfield magazines every month. However, I won't even pick up one of these magazines when I see them in the stands, no matter if my favorite beast (Bighorn Sheep) is on the cover or if they had pictures of Felix's Bear Takedowns on every page. Their articles seem to cater to either the rich dude who doesn't even pick out his own hunting clothes or the 60-minute newbie that hasn't even taken the price tags off his.  I also happen to know that some of the information they print, especially about conservation subjects is error-ridden.

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Re: Bowhunter Magazine's Trad Section
« Reply #28 on: June 17, 2011, 07:58:00 AM »
I have been a subscriber to a lot of magazines over the years, "Bowhunter" among them. I recently decided, after looking through their "gear 2011" issue, to let my subscription lapse. While I am glad to see the little bit of pretty basic traditional information they are now including, I am sickened by the technology the magazine is constantly touting. Same for their TV show. Most of their revenues come from ads for this stuff (get ready for the $200 plastic bowquiver, the clothes that make you "invisible to game", the ozone storage tanks and all the God-awful crossbow junk) and they have an audience that wants to see it, for sure. Just not me. I will stick with TBM and TAW for the duration.

Offline rock_hunter

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Re: Bowhunter Magazine's Trad Section
« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2011, 10:36:00 AM »
I have traded emails with Bowhunter Magazine editor Curt Wells quite a bit, as he lives just down the road from me in ND, and know for a fact you will never see a crossbow ad in Bowhunter Magazine.  You need to realize that magazine sales right now are very difficult, and ads pay bills.  He said right now it is 45% content and 55% ads, and he would like to get it back to 50/50.  I will not buy a magazine with any crossbow ads in it, and Bowhunter won't have any in it anytime soon.

Offline Rik

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Re: Bowhunter Magazine's Trad Section
« Reply #30 on: June 17, 2011, 11:01:00 AM »
I have been writing for Bowhunter Magazine since the early 80s, and to be honest, I don't like it when they put my articles in the traditional section.

I much prefer to have my articles in the meat of the magazine, where they get read by all the compound shooters, not just the people inclined to read the traditional section. I don't consider myself a traditional bowhunter, I am just a bowhunter, pure and simple. No labels, just a bow, some arrows, and adventures in wild, game-rich country.

Preaching to the choir is not my style. It's much better to be an example to the wider audience. If I can get just one compound shooter per article to say  "Well heck, if HE can do that with a longbow, I'll bet I can too"  then I have done well.

I cannot do that by writing for the traditional magazines.

Offline finkm1

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Re: Bowhunter Magazine's Trad Section
« Reply #31 on: June 17, 2011, 05:23:00 PM »
I have been a subscriber for a few years. They do a stick bow section every couple of months.On cross bows, Dwight Shue wrote an editorial a few months back and he said that Bowhunter Mag is staying away from cross bow hunting articles.
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