dude, that is one humongous run on sentence. i almost needed an interpreter! please, help us out and give periods and commas a chance to be useful. won't cost ya anything. promise.
here's the real deal super secret on cutting points, aka "broadheads". ready? here goes ...
ANY cut on contact broadhead is more than capable of getting the job done for ya if it's really sharp and you can consistently put it in "the right spot" under hunting conditions.as to the number of blades, and brand and type and weight and all that other stuff - yer gonna get a bucket of replies but the rubber will meet the road when you start trying some - or a lot! - out. *you* are best to know what will work best for ... you. i have a fave broadhead and though i'm tempted to try out others, it's all i use. dat's about it! join the broadhead search club and happy trad bowhunting!