I recently (finally!) finished university, and found a job that I really love! I'm working for the Alberta Hunter Education Instructors Association (AHEIA), and one of the things we're working on right now is a series of youth hunter education camps to be held in July. I was asked to teach the bowhunting portion of the class to a group of 60+ youth in one of the camps! I couldn't think of a better way to combine my Bachelor of Education with my love of archery. And in late July/early Augustwe are hosting an IBEP youth archery camp.
There are a lot of other perks to this job that, while hunting related, aren't archery related, so I won't bother listing them here, but needless to say, I have a great job! It is nice to finally be finished with University and working at a job I really enjoy.
Also, my wife and I are expecting our first child in September
I think it is a girl, but we won't know until then. I'll be sure to post pics when she arrives