I started with a Bear Grizzly. It was my father's old bow. When my Brother Broke it, I bought a compound because they looked cool, my friends were shooting them and I could afford it at a garage sale.
Archery became boring! Then I found a 30 lb stick bow at a local sale for 20 bucks. Bought a string for it, it exploded. I fixed it and shot it. Its all downhill from there.
I over paid for that bow but then again it opened a can of worms that I wouldn't trade for the world.
I must also admit the actual moment was at a fair, I took my cousins kid nephew to the 4H archery booth. I shot their recurve lights out. they were giving me extra arrows and picking out parts of targets for me to hit. I was having so much fun, I wanted to keep it up, that's when I found the old bow stated earlier.