Got this Tomahawk Diamond SS in trade last week, it is 64", #50@28. I have been wanting to try one of these bows, as I REALLY like the looks and design. Ive shot a few similar designs, and would say this one is among the top for "speed", and is quiet.
I really like the grip shape and size, but it may be a tad large for some folks. The fit/finish are top level, this one has what I would call a "hand rubbed" satin finish, really shows the 'boo colors off well.
These tips I really like, they arent as gracefull as some you would see on Dwyers, Mohawks etc. but they are well thought out and provide a degree of protection to the string loop/eye.
I still like my Mohawk better, but this one may stay around as a back up! Wish it were a 62" #45!
some pics-