The guys are coming along very well, teaching them the proper shooting form is taking some time but they are all doing good. It has been a blast seeing them grow with the bow to learn what it takes to become a traditional archer. I know some say its becoming the arrow or the bow. That is what it is but to become a true archer I think one needs to grow with the bow and arrow, to become a true traditional archer. Its the growth and learning process that forms an archer into who he or she will become. It’s the proper process that is a challenge for me and sometimes scares me. I don’t want to teach these guys bad habits that will take these guys’ years to overcome.
I appreciate everyones help and would like to thank Tecum-tha the bows you provided are extraordinary, matched with the arrows you built for the bows. They are bringing joy and fun beyond what you might imagine.
To everyone at Campton Archery: the gear you provided for our troop, I can’t list it all but the tabs, armguards, arrows, bows, quivers and so much more.
thanks to inthere10x for the arrows and gear. You and your son can shoot with us anytime we will be at Denton Hill Saturday and Sunday. Email me and we can get together and shoot.
Thanks again to everyone, we are indebted.
Rudderbows, you are the best I can't say enough. Great peaple here guys, just some awsome peaple.