Rob DiStephano has a very good review on here somewhere.
I just read it for the second time. Some very good advice in there, particularly his repetition on push/pull. When I miss it is almost always because I'm holding when I should be pushing and pulling, or just plain dropping the bow. 4 out of 5 of my misses is a wobble in my bow hand that makes me miss to the right. I can tell it happens instantly and know my arrow is going to be a foot wide before it gets there.
I don't like his advice to open my stance. It is probably best to follow it, but I just can't make it work. (Old dog, new trick.) I guess I have to hope all the deer are on my left. And his workout advice is spot on. I work with weights instead of resistance bands though.
As for shooting, I think the best workout is to shoot a dozen arrows to warm up a bit longer distance than your hunting max and then shoot one arrow at 5 yards, then another at 10 and another at 15 so on. And just doing that over and over out to 40 or so. Then do what Mr. Asbel suggests and go out to 45 or more and just have some fun. Then 20-25 doesn't seem so far. But I definitely think he is right about varying your distance for accuracy and work on form up close.