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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Is your first shot the best shot?  (Read 2019 times)

Offline reddogge

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Re: Is your first shot the best shot?
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2011, 09:30:00 AM »
I always shoot a few arrows into the target from point blank range or the ground in the dark to loosen up those fingers and muscles. No reason not to.
Traditional Bowhunters of Maryland
Heart of Maryland Bowhunters
Mayberry Archers

Offline Trumpkin the Dwarf

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Re: Is your first shot the best shot?
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2011, 10:06:00 AM »
It was today!   :readit:   Today kicks off the last month I have before elk opens. So I am shooting an arrow in the morning and then shooting a longer practice session after work. It feels like fall is already  on its way here in Montana.   :bigsmyl:
Malachi C.

Black Widow PMA 64" 43@32"

Offline KentuckyTJ

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Re: Is your first shot the best shot?
« Reply #22 on: August 01, 2011, 10:29:00 AM »
I have found that my second set of arrows is usually the best. I have for years hung my bow in the back yard and taking one shot every time I pass my bow as the first shot always is the most important when hunting.
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Offline smilinicon

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Re: Is your first shot the best shot?
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2011, 10:44:00 AM »
I use two similar bows (BW longbows), one is a light poundage and the other is hunting weight. Both shoot the same grain per pound arrow. I can shoot flight after flight with the light bow and I work on strengh and shoot much less with the hunting weight bow. I try to treat each bow alike when shooting. As long as I stick with this routine, my cold shots with the hunting weight bow are usually quite good. I am now totally happy with my archery setup and confident about my hunting shot.

When near and in the hunting season, I shoot only at targets of the game I am after, 3D if possible.

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Re: Is your first shot the best shot?
« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2011, 10:47:00 AM »
At home - yes!

At the indoor range - yes!

Most 3D's - Yes!  *One club - No! - Their 1st target is always the hardest for me, since it is set-up down a steep downhill thru underbrush and quite dim. The issue is in my mind and I am making some progress with regards to this shot.

Small critters such as groundhogs, coons and rabbits - Yes!

Turkeys - I wish!!! I suppose this is one of the motivators that inspire me to persevere. They are almost a nemesis, even though I regard them as my favorite quarry. My turkey obsession has rooted a firm anchor w/i my mind and they seem to routinely render me out of my element of good shot execution when the moment of truth presents itself. No other critter so far, not even a book buck rattles me to such a high degree. Each year I develop a system to mentally maintain focus and on that 1st shot and even go thru it numerous times in the blind on each hunt, yet still don't own it at the moment of truth. Perhaps I don't need to absolutely own it for the exhilarating drive may dissipate
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Offline canopyboy

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Re: Is your first shot the best shot?
« Reply #25 on: August 01, 2011, 10:48:00 AM »
I'm always surprised with how often my first shot of the day is almost perfect.  And then disappointed when the all the rest seem to fall short.  I haven't taken the approach that some here mention about concentrating and pretending it's my "one" shot on game.  I think it's just because I'm relaxed, refreshed, and haven't thought much about it.  Served me well last fall.  I didn't have time to think about the shot, but it was through both lungs.
TGMM Family of the Bow
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Offline jamesh76

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Re: Is your first shot the best shot?
« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2011, 11:30:00 AM »
Usually it is my best. Not always.

I try and take 2 shots every morning before I go to work, I figure that the 1st one is really the only one that counts when hunting. the 2nd one is just for good measure.
James Haney
Spring Hill, KS
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Offline PaddyMac

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Re: Is your first shot the best shot?
« Reply #27 on: August 01, 2011, 11:35:00 AM »
Mine tends to be the best. The first three definitely. At about four dozen the groups loosen up. At 100 I'm all over the place with wobbles and gitches and doubts.
Pat McGann

Southwest Archery Scorpion longbow, 35#
Fleetwood Frontier longbow, 40#
Southwest Archery Scorpion, 45#
Bob Lee Exotic Stickbow, 51#
Bob Lee Signature T/D recurve, 47#
Bob Lee Signature T/D recurve, 55#
Howatt Palomar recurve (69"), 40#

"If you leave archery for one day, it will leave you for 10 days."  --Turkish proverb

Offline PaddyMac

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Re: Is your first shot the best shot?
« Reply #28 on: August 01, 2011, 11:44:00 AM »
I just went out to confirm that.

First arrow at 30 yards (at my back door to target) dead center. Second a foot to the right and 3" low. Third, forth, fifth and sixth off about 3 or 4 inches.
Pat McGann

Southwest Archery Scorpion longbow, 35#
Fleetwood Frontier longbow, 40#
Southwest Archery Scorpion, 45#
Bob Lee Exotic Stickbow, 51#
Bob Lee Signature T/D recurve, 47#
Bob Lee Signature T/D recurve, 55#
Howatt Palomar recurve (69"), 40#

"If you leave archery for one day, it will leave you for 10 days."  --Turkish proverb

Offline rraming

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Re: Is your first shot the best shot?
« Reply #29 on: August 01, 2011, 02:04:00 PM »
If the first shot is not the best shot, the 2nd one will be!

Offline Huntschool

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Re: Is your first shot the best shot?
« Reply #30 on: August 01, 2011, 07:27:00 PM »
I set my practice to re firm muscles that may have slacked during the summer due to my time with my collegiate shotgun team.  I have been shooting at least 50 plus arrows per day since the first of July.  (The heat has been a B%#@h)  Now I am starting to back down and shoot one in the morning before I leave for school. Then I will shoot about 20+ in the afternoon when I get home.  It is 95+% of the time "dead nut."  I am switching between two LB's and both seem to be just fine.

First shot is the shot...  I will admit that hunting my own ground has an advantage and the fact that I can shoot an arrow or two inside before I go out helps also.  I try and keep my shots to 20 yds and under.
Bruce A. Hering
Program Coordinator (retired)
Southeastern Illinois College
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Offline jhg

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Re: Is your first shot the best shot?
« Reply #31 on: August 01, 2011, 07:55:00 PM »
This has been interesting hearing everyone weigh in on  this.

When I practice for elk my mantra is this when I nock an arrow.

"One arrow. One elk"

So even if I shoot a handful of arrows, each one is "one arrow" in my mind.

I DO NOT let grouping influence my shot. All that arrow has to do is hit where I am looking. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Learn, practice and pass on "leave no trace" ethics, no matter where you hunt.

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