Originally posted by Mudd:
The original "Frugal Archer" is still a member here.
I won't "out him" in this post but maybe he will see this and give you some ideas about what it means to be frugal...lol
God bless,Mudd
Roy, I had to plunge through 5 pages to see if our erstwhile El Presidente showed hisself on this one... I guess his generator on his bicycle must've thrown a sprocket so he can't crank up enough juice to run his computer...
I just corresponded with "THE PRES" the other day... the ole FART (Frugal Archery Recycle Team) President--- his own bad self.
Rumor had it he would cobble broadheads out of his stash of silver bullet cans. Now THAT's talent!
I once sent him some pretty busted arrow w/ great spliced feathers and fancy colors, and it came back all fixed up! He even splices(ed) broken woodies back together good as new!
Hail the Cheif! Long live the President!
(but the piker don't eat sweetbreads!) :rolleyes: