Come on Gary give the guy a break, he said he was new to trad, you were too once. Shane C. The name you are refering to is Dr. Ashby, and yes that is his oponion. If you stick around this group much you will find that just about everyone of us has an oponion on just about everything from equipment to style of shooting and anything in between. That said alot of Bowhunters have been shooting double bevel broadheads from the very beginning and do not want to switch. These heads will kill anything big enough to die, always have always will. Since your new, I'll give you something to think about, any well made, cut on contact, razor sharp,2 blade, 3 blade, 4 blade, single bevel,or double bevel will kill an animal everytime, if placed in the heart and lung area. It's were you place the shot, not what head you use. Of course that's just my oponion. RW