I've never shot this arrow, will never nock it, but it's as special to me as any piece of trad equipment I own.
Seven months ago my wife, two kids, and I left the house I, then we, had been in for ten years. It was a starter house. Nothing big or fancy but we made it our own and it was home.
We were moving to a new house, a slightly bigger, slightly newer house with a bigger yard and fewer neighbors. Moving from the city to the country.
In that house we were leaving I met my future wife at a party I had thrown. I proposed to her in that house. Brought our kids home to that house when they were born. And built memories.
We were making big life changes and had all the apprehensions that go with them: growing family, more responsibilities, larger mortgage.
Well, as I was packing the last of our things out of that house I found this arrow sitting atop a shelving unit in the basement, a remnant of some previous owner. I had never seen any evidence of any archery related whatever in the ten years I was there. But as I pulled that arrow down it seemed to speak to me.
"Take me with you. Everything is going to be all right. Someday you will have arrows as old as me to pass on." Just a mix of emotions. At that moment in my life that arrow, for whatever reason, steeled me for the life changes I was rushing towards.
I can't explain it as well as I'd like, but I wanted to share with this community that has meant so much to me over the last year.

As you can see it has a Hilbre broadhead. The arrow measures 28.5" from back of point to valley of nock. It has three 5" parabolic feathers. The only legible writing on the shaft says "Glashaft H55".
Thanks for letting me share guys.