Currently shooting a 44@29 Toelke Whip. I draw 29 and shoot 30" Beman MFX 600s with 75 gr insert and 125 gr head. Arrows shoot great and I'm happy with the performance.
Here's the issue. With a 30" arrow, my broadheads are really close to my hand...if I overdraw, which I often do before settling into my anchor, the broadhead actually makes contact with the bow. I'd like to go to 31" arrows, but would like some input before I drop $125 on a new dozen.
Question time: Do you think I should bump up to 500s or stay with 600s. Stu's calculator shows the 600s pretty weak at 30" and really weak at 31". 500s at 31" with 200 total up front spine just right, and I'd be at 12 gpp. The 500s sound appealing, but I'm not sure what to I come to the land of experience.