I must say I am shocked to finally see someone else besides me that says M.O. full foilage was the best. I agree. That is from the late 80's, early 90's era. Dressed in head to toe Full Foilage, I have been within 3 yards of turkey gobblers many times and never ever got busted. I've had deer stare right through me with that stuff on. It was very effective. But like the machine that they claim to have that would put the electric companies out of business, the camo industry knows it has to make something new every year to make money. Market demands "the latest pattern" and it makes money- regardless if it really works. True that camo makers now are in it mostly to make money with marketing ploys, but back then in the 80's, Toxy was just getting started and he was serious about getting close to turkeys, not deer. Only after the Full Foilage era did he & others begin leaning more toward marketing. I mean think about it, his job was done. He made a camo that achieved his goal, very well. Normally you'd stop there. But if U did, you'd be out of business. So, yeah, there is if's & buts of the camo business.
When considering camo, one must consider what he is hunting AND where he is hunting. What you get away with deer hunting will get you busted with turkeys. Full Foilage was invented by Toxy who hunted turkeys in Mississippi. And it worked extremely well. Like i said, I've had numerous deer & turkey stare right through it. It may not work Nth & East, where spot & stalk tactics are used.
Camo helps with letting you ease in & out of your treestand spot undetected, which helps prevent being detected by all deer, even does that you are not interested in. Maybe you are on to a big buck, and if you spook does making entry & exit, the does disperse then there went the reason for the buck hanging around, so camo does help if the hunter does his part. Folks like to tell the story of that time they were in blue jeans & smoking a cigarette and deer passed and didn't detect them, but that was one particular time that probably the wind was right, and they just happened to be not shifting weight from one leg to another , not lifting the cigarette up to puff, etc. things just happened to be right that one time.
Anyway, this & GPS my favorite topics. I have found that the next best thing to the old Full Foilage today is Mossy Oak Obsession. I have had turkeys literally IN my blind that I could have reached out and grabbed by the neck ( True story) wearing Obsession, more than once. That hen came in my blind with gobbler in tow. He was looking hard and was right in front of me, with only a sparse partial natural blind I had built. He never knew I was there.