A summer makes. I've fiddle around with a recurve for years but decided this would be the year to stop fooling around and take the plunge. So after selling compound I switched over full time. After many confusing moments wondering why I couldn't hit broadside of barn I started researching and looking at different arrows and what not joined a club shot a bunch of touraments and spent all summer working on and trying different shooting style, three under, split, tab, gloove did it all. Ended up going back to what is most comfortable, split finger, off the shelf and have stuck with it. Well after a whole year of not worrying about yardages and shooting at stakes with the wheelie guys and gals I went to range with range finder to purposely keep all shots 25 yards and under on all deer sized targets. Man was I happy, drilled each and everyone but man did they seem close almost didn't believe the range finder..lol I really can't wait till the season starts but I still think I'll keep shots to 20 and under I'm just too concerned over our Eastern Whitetails fidgity tendancies! Good Luck everyone!!!!