Michigan, in its typical confusing manner has changed the rules for youth hunters to allow apprentice opportunities before the kid has to take hunter safety. To my knowledge, they have not changed the requirement for everyone above the "youth" catagory born after a certain date to take hunter safety. It's usually a "no charge" class (at least in my gun club) and usually a 2-evening class plus range work on a Saturday. The quote below is from an e-mail I received recently from the MI DNR.
"Hopefully this information will help clarify the new changes for the 10 and 11 year old hunters. The change is already in effect and impacts those young hunters for this year!
Youth 10 – 13 can hunt for deer and bear with archery and crossbow equipment on both public and private lands.
Youth 10 – 13 can hunt for deer, bear, and elk with a firearm but only on private land or Commercial Forest Act (CFA) lands. They cannot hunt with a firearm on public land.
Youth 10 – 13 can hunt for elk with archery or crossbow but only on private land or CFA lands. They cannot hunt for elk on public land.
Youth 10 – 16 can hunt with a firearm license, junior combination license or antlerless license.
Youth 10 – 16 must have hunter safety or have an apprentice license and must be with an adult (18 or older if they had hunter education; 21 or older with an apprentice license).
Youth 14 – 16 can hunt for deer, bear, and elk with archery, crossbow, and firearm on public and private lands."