I'll play "devil's advocate".
The only problem shooting at 25 yards (or more) with trad bows, you're shooting at animals that move, not a stationary bag or 3D target.
If you shoot at an animal at 25 yards and you're aiming at a lethal broadside lung shot, lets say it moves at the moment you release the arrow. Let's say it moves enough forward and your arrow is a gut shot. The animal might not die and it can run for hundreds of yards. Let's say it does and the blood trail stops. You can't find the deer and day turns into night. But, coyotes can find a wounded deer at night and they'll basically eat it alive when they find it. Does any animal deserve that just because someone can hit a stationary bag or 3D target during a practice session at 25 yards?
In other words, do you really want to take a 25 yard shot on an animal and the arrow might not be a kill shot or would it be prudent to take a 20 yard or under broadside shot where the odds of a good clean kill shot and recovery of the animal is in your favor?