well if the bull is going to try and cut you, dont let him..cut him off!
Finding a partner for a calling adventure, one you can understand and communicate with with out having to sit down and have a conference with...is the difference between killing one and another close call. This is where having the caller move...and if you need to, move also. I dont advocate the shooter move unless you work good as that team. But staying flexible definatly a must.
Dont sound too big, if you're raking and grunting, or too aggressive.you want him to think he's the baddest biggest meanst swampdonkey around and he wants to come in and take your cow or kick your butt.
Another one is get close..just like elk, once you break that barrier, they have no choice but to come in and defend.
Cow call softly...its amazing what the sound of sex can do to a bull. Calling and getting hangups is likely, too loud, too aggressive, too much. Give them just enough to string them along. ONce they're coming, back off, as they get closer..get softer.
Just somethings to try. Nothing is perfect and nothing is absolute.