You have to remember,you are watching guys who have been doing this for decades and have it down.
There are far more people who shoot too fast,having not developed all the elements of good form,than the reverse.
Trying to force that speed might be the worse thing you can do for yourself.Developing all the aspects of a good shot are more important now and I believe as it becomes ingrained,the shot can be made in less time if you choose.I think that will come naturally to you and you should let that come when it does.
I used to shoot fairly fast but now when practicing,I take a second or two to concentrate on whatever form aspect I'm working,before release.In the field,I let the situation dictate.If I need to shoot fast I can.Some situations require a very slow draw.Sometimes in the blind,with an animal close,I have to draw,away from the shooting window and slowly ease the bow to the window and release.I practice them all.