My guess is the bad nocks were in lots,bought from venders,made from the same material.This would mean that the same batch would end up on the same dozen arrows.I believe this is why I had 4 out of a dozen.Keep in mind,I didn't shoot them long and chucked the other 8.All 12 could have blown up.
I had a couple dozen before that,including the old ones with set screws through the center and no problems with any.Still,it leaves a bad taste.The potential to destroy an expensive custom bow or serious personal injury is very real.
One can't tell by looking at the nocks if they are good or bad.This means you have too shoot till your bow dry fires to know if they are.In any other type of product,there would have been a total recall.Offering to replace a few cheap to produce pieces of plastic to the relatively few customers who will bother,is a cheap out.
It was a very unpleasant experience for me and I just won't be able to trust their nocks again.I never was a big fan of Russian roulette.
I have no doubt they will fix the problem.They have no choice.I still like the shafts.