Shooting with my 9 year old in the basement last week, since Erin hasn't been shooting in some time she was making some mistakes & I was commenting on them when my wife said "you know, I still think she'll shoot more & much better if she was shooting a compound like I do."
Well in a way I thought Becky may have something so I talked to a friend that did by chance have a Stacey Tom Thumb LH that he could set up for her to try.
Something in me kept hoping that Erin would stick with the Recurve & not just for my selfish reasons but my hopes for her in the future but I was open to the possibility that mommy may be right.
Handed her the bow & one of her arrows, she drew it back & WOW the let off was a serious suprise to her & after the shot she said "I don't like that."
Well to be sure I had her try it again & when she got it back to full draw she said right away "I don't like that part."
God has blessed me with many things & this is one of them & even though this sounds selfish but in the end I personally think that if she can shoot a Recurve even if it has a sight on it like a Olympic shooter, she has a better chance of understanding the mechanics of archery & if she does get serious & proficient with it she may have the chance at bigger things than what I had growing up.