I am thinking about getting a bow or maybe a 17” riser and then finding some limbs. I have some questions into 3rivers, but was wondering if maybe someone here would know some of this plus other stuff.
First what do you get with a riser? Do you get a strike button, choice of grips, limb pads, bolts, and bushings?
Are the bushings that come with the bow the ones they list for Korean and Hoyt or something just for the Daala limbs? I can't tell if the Koren Hoyt bushings are different or the same kind you get with the complete bow. I assume the border limbs are a different bushing just for those limbs, but correct me if I am wrong.
If you got just a riser would you get the Daala limbs also or go for something different? If different, what would you get for the same money as the Daala wood limbs, $250 budget? This will be a hunting bow so I want quiet over top performance.
When they talk about maximum draw weight not exceeding the listed draw at 28” plus 5% it kind of sounds like you can’t draw the bow past 28” and really get 5# weight adjustment. If I understand it right with a 29” draw I can only adjust from 2.5# under limb rated weight at 28” up to limb weight. At a 30” draw you have to set the weight at minimum and you get no adjustment at all. Am I getting that right? So is this a riser issue or a limb issue?