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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Ol man winter comes to Pennsylvania (pics and story)  (Read 376 times)

Offline RedShaft

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Ol man winter comes to Pennsylvania (pics and story)
« on: October 29, 2011, 08:01:00 PM »
Today i was excited to get out and hunt the snow as i always am. I hunted an area with my brother, this was the first time this year in that area and hunting private property. i usually hunt state land only. also today was first day of the fall turkey so grabbed my mouth call and threw them in my pack just in case. i  don't see many turkey in the fall nor have i seen any this year up till today. i opted to hunt the ground due to the heavy snow hanging on limbs and some of the trees having leaves i knew there would be widow makers falling! at least i could run being on the ground if i heard crashing above.. i came to my area in the pre dawn heavy snow laden woods, it was still coming down very heavily. i came to a large old pine, just as i reached it i hear the familiar sound of soft yelps and clucks. i dropped to a knee and took out and arrow with my pack and quiver still on my back, i knelt there about 5min. these birds sounded like some was on the ground already only 20 to 30yards away! i walked rite in on a roosted flock! what luck! i didn't even have time to get my calls out, so i started calling with my mouth and threw in some kee kee's. they were going nuts. i strained to see the birds but could not, then i seen ones head only 30 yards away. then they stared dropping like para troopers from the sky. i stood up trying to see over the small bank in front of me to no avail... as i was standing there arrow knocked bow in had snow on my shoulders arms and head and was anticipating a shot. just when i seen a dark object coming down at me, i came to full draw and swung on him just like in the jack Paluh Indian painting .... now its amazing how fast the mind can think... in that split second i read his body language and knew to hold my shot and he plopped down 12 yards away!! rite on the edge of a blow down. i moved on him and letter go.. dang!!! arrow deflected! that bird had no clue i was there, it was unbelievable as things like this don't happen to this me.. i was able to bull another arrow from behind my back nock it and come to full draw. i tried hard as i could to pic a spot on the dark shape with a now extended neck. i cut her loose again the bird hunched up and flew 25yards and 15ft up and started wobbling forward and back. i though i had missed twice but then seen him doing that and thought i must have hit him. a few other birds flew down and he lifted back off the limb to the ground.. i waited a few min then went to see my arrow, sure enough blood and covered in feathers. now at this point it was one of the coolest archery experiences i ever had with the snow and turkeys all around me and having one land 12yds and getting off 2 shots!! i tried to follow where the general flock went. not seeing any blood.. i looked for about25min. and disgusted went back to my tree and texted my brother. we would go look after we sat a few hours as we were hunting deer and had our scents all laid out and what not. but here is the mistake i made. that heavy snow made it difficult to locate. we looked the entire area over and came up empty handed. everything looked like a downed bird ya know! i should have stayed on it instead of waiting for my brother to help. im sure it followed the flock. and may have expired along the way. or i may not have hit it as hard as i thought.. i was very thankful for that opportunity but one that will haunt me for a while...    :banghead:  
my tree

the area tore up in the middle of the pic, if you look just to the right you will see the blowdown and the bird landed rite on the edge of it.
Rough Country.. The Hunters Choice

Offline pauljr

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Re: Ol man winter comes to Pennsylvania (pics and story)
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2011, 08:31:00 PM »
That stinks, Im glad you got out, I got up this morning and it was raining so I didnt go. Good luck with the rest of the season.
PBS Associate Member

"I hate rude behavior in a man, I wont tolerate it" Woodrow F Call

Offline RedShaft

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Re: Ol man winter comes to Pennsylvania (pics and story)
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2011, 08:58:00 PM »
Thanks Paul! it's been rough year. i get out allot. only seen 5 so far. it was so nice to get into some game today. not used to it. lol good luck to you and your dad too! Keep the faith!
Rough Country.. The Hunters Choice

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