We had about 3" of snow this morning but I had to work. I would have loved to still hunted instead but I do enjoy a house to live in and food on the table so I cowboy'ed up and went kicking and crying to the job.
I've been spending most of my time on the ground this year and haven't been able to get a shot but have come close a time or two. I hoped to get home in time to do some slipping but had just a couple hours so climbed into my ladder stand instead.
About 45 minutes before dark 3 small button bucks and this spike came feeding past. I waited for what seemed like hours for the spike to give me a shot. He finally turned and I had what I needed. He was about 22 yards. I had to crowd his shoulder a little because of a limb between us but the shot was good.
I saw the fletching disappear right where I was looking, he jumped and I watched him go about 50 yards and go down.
I stayed in my stand as 2 of the buttons went back to feeding. After they fed out of sight, I climbed down and looked for my arrow. I found the broadhead and most of the shaft about 15 yards from the shot. The other 9" of shaft was inside when I field dressed him. Complete penetration but not quite a pass through.
I used a Shrew CH, that I bought from a Trad Gang member a couple weeks ago, 50# at my draw, Surewood shaft and a 160 grain WW Elite, 590 grn total arrow weight.