Monday 10-31-11 I got seated on the ground in my cleared away spot amongst the blown down limbs and tree trunks that a late sumer storm put in place for me. I got settled in a little later than I wanted too, I saw some deer up and feeding on the way in to the property.
Whithin an hour I had deer all around me. They are feeding on white oak acorns that are left over. They are everywhere, I have 7 does within sight at one time feeding within 35 yards of me. I can feel my heart pounding like a kettle drum. I have never been so excited in my 20 years of bow hunting!
Two hours pass with another 11 does seen, all within 50 yards. I had no safe shots on any of the 18 does today. These are the kind of days I live for as a hunter and outdoorsmen.
Tuesday 11-1-11 Things were a little slower to start today. I got settled in my surrounding of blown down oak trees and branches. It was dead quiet with absolutley no wind. Within a few minutes the grey squirrels were out and feeding heavily. I saw a deer about 50 yards away. I picked up my binoculars and looked a little closer. It was a nice wide 6 point. He had no brow tines, very nice deer. A few minutes later I had a yearling come by at 10 yards. I drew on her 3 times before I had a clean shot. As I was about to release she busted me! She ran out of there fast! She might have stopped when she hit the tennessee line.
Hours went by with no deer. Then about an hour before sunset everything blew up. There was deer everywhere! I had 4 does come in and feed around me for 20 minutes. I drew on the largest doe four times before she gave me a clean broadside shot at 12 yards......................
I drew the bow with one smooth fluid movement. I hit my anchor point. I was burning a hole in that deers lungs with my eyes as I let the 29" arrow tipped with 250 grains of grizzly broadhead go sailing right where I was looking!
Unfortunatly the arrow DID hit right where I was looking. Because the doe dropped about 12 inches at the release and the arrow went right over her back with less than an inch between the big single bevel and brown fur. I MISSED! I should have aimed low in the heart. I know that! But at the time I was not thinking clearly
As the 4 does leave the county I sit back and smile. A clean miss is a good thing sometimes.
Within 10 minutes I had two deer coming down the hill toward me. There is a trail at the bottom of the hill running left to right. The hill im on is very wide at the top and thins down at an angle with two heavy trails on both sides coming together at the bottom. If there was a picture of a funnel in the dictionary it would be a picture of this place.
The two deer come into view. Both bucks, one spike and a four point. I drew on the 4 point but had no clean shot. The last thing I want is to wound any animal. I made a bad shot last year and wounded a doe. It tore me up to the point where I lost the drive to hunt for a while. So he walked away to live another day.
This was by far the best two days of hunting I have ever had. I am trying to kill a deer from the ground this year. I will keep at it until I have done it. And if I keep having days like these its bound to happen.
All together I had 26 deer around me in two days. I was only discovered because of my own movements.
I guess my jeans and brown flannel jacket are the perfect "camo" for close encounters of the ground hunting kind!