Thanks, everybody....
I've been out hunting those 150 acres most of the day...
I was just talking about an overnighter, no homesteading! And it's a plot of land with a mile of river, in a flood plain, with a lot of marsh, completely overrun by canary grass, bordered by a whole bunch of corn that I also have access to hunt. It's not a very fruitful place for deer hunting, but it's all I've got.
But I didn't camp out. I thought it would be novel to set up my tent and rough it, but thought better of spending a cold night with 85% humidity just for kicks. The landowner has a little cabin -- about 15' x 20', and I think I'll just stay there for a night this week.
I saw more deer tonight that ever before, in 7 years of hunting there. A nice buck, and about 10 different deer skipping about. I'd never heard a buck grunt in real life until tonight. For about 4 years, I've seen next to nothing every year.