There is a wheelie rich guy hunting on the same land as us. He shoots at deer way after and before good legal light. Three gut shot deer, including a large 10 pointer that was still alive after four days, looking very sick and bloated. The excuse was always the same 'couldn't see through the peep sight, but my set up is better than yours any day of the week". that's right, I cannot stand him, arrogance and ignorance are quite often close companions. The results were three high and left guesser shots. With a newbie on a trad bow it could have been a different deal, i had for a time myself, that I could not shoot very good groups when I was in a group of others watching me. However, I went 5 years in a row without missing a shot on a deer, while I had that flinch. Without getting that shooter into a personable calm surrounding and to a point where he would trust and accept your input, you could not tell how he would behave in the woods. Critical comments from anything less than trusted personal friends would probably not be welcomed or accepted. The suggestions have to be made from the perspective as to what is fare to the animal and not from the position of taking a higher authority like a religious zealot accusing someone of not being worthy. Although, as in our case, some can get defensive before anything is even said.