Wife said I showed share this story with you all. yesterday I was sitting on the ground on this ridge overlooking to bottom awaiting the deer. Then out of the corner of my right eye I catch movement. Then I hear the animals, running at bottom of ridge coming up. Thinkin that is was a buck chasing a doe, I snapped my fingers onto my longbow string and readied myself. Then up coming from my right to my left on an angle up the ridge about 20 yards away three coyotes trouted by. Of course I came up and released an arrow and crazed the belly of the second one. I immediatly turned back to my quiver and grabbed another arrow and on the string, but they was up the ridge in the field. I then turned back around giggled to myself a little, then heard something coming up the ridge to my right. Sure enough here comes two more, heard they travel in packs, wink. I had a tree to my right and couldn't get around it to shoot, then by time I decided what to do one of them was 5 yards away (ASAT works). So, being the Marine Corps birthday and me a former Devil Dog, I growled at him. He and his partner whipped around quicker than a new kid on ice, and ran back down the ridge. AFter 10 minutes of giggling, I calmed down, then thought of the one trying to convince his pals, "No really ralph the bush growled at me, seriously". Fun day!!