Well, I was back in the woods with the video camera again over the weekend. Friday afternoon, I saw a really nice buck cruising the opposite creek bank. He was the kind you know is a good one when you first see them. I took as much footage as I could of him. I even blew the buck roar tube at him just to see what he would do. He eventually turned to cross the creek and I lost sight of him. I saw him again when another nice buck from my side of the creek came out to exchange how do you do's with the first buck in the middle of the creek. They never fought, just tickled antlers for a second, then wandered off together. The weather was screwing with the rut IMO. It would be warm, then cold, then warm, then cold. One day I'd see chasing, then the next, they'd be cruising slowly through the timber. Saturday was the slowest day, but I saw plenty of deer all week.