Personally, I don't care for the rubber tip protectors. If you aren't careful moisture can collect in there and do more damage than an unprotected tip, so I let my tips go naked. If you really want a tip protector I would suggest a leather one that at least has a chance to dry out if it gets wet. Even then, I worry about moisture too long on the finish.
Fletching covers aren't needed for deer, but can be a very handy way to keep your feathers dry. On turkeys the bright fletch can really catch their eye, so they sure help on the birds.
A good quality chair is a great investment. My favorite is the Waldrop pack seat. I also use a Nifty Seat which is a one legged stool, and it is a great tool, but does need a tree to lean on. The Huntmore chairs are probably the most comfortable ones out there. Not quite as portable as the Waldrop, but great chairs. Invest in a good quality seat and you will never regret it.