but i was wrong. spent the last week in Ohio chasing whitetails. hunting at a buddies place that i venture off to most years. anyway, for some reason most of the bucks were hanging out where he was hunting, but i did have this nice 8 point come in twice. first time, i couldnt get him to stop, but the second i hit pay dirt..... almost.
tried to stop him in one shooting lane but he wasnt having it, but he ended up circling my tree and going to a small pond i was very close too. 12 yard shot, slightly quartering away. now i know about whitetails and string jumping, and honestly i usually account for that but this deer was not only not alert, but had his head down drinking. seemed like a slam dunk. and it was! i slam dunked the pond after he ducked and i shot right over him!
better luck next year...