I have a 1970's kodiak magnum I got from the auction site. I've had it over a month now and shot it many hundreds of times, probably well over a thousand times.
Well the other night I was bored and decided to wax the bow. Well when I did that the wax showed me that there are a number of tiny cracks in the bow. They are shaped like an H with the bow held vertical the H would be upright. Their are 3-4 of these in random spots on the back of the bow.
The largest one is about 1/32 of an inch wide and maybe 1/16" high.
I imagine they've been there since I got it and putting wax in the cracks made them visible. Is this bow no longer safe to shoot?
I recently made a nickel sized part of my hand look like hamburger while tillering my first bow, so I've no desire to do this to my face.
Is there something I could do to help this? They're so tiny I don't know if pictures would even help.
Would putting a snake skin backing on the bow prevent the cracks from growing? Could I fill them with epoxy or fiberglass resin?