I have seen many recent post about rope set ups. I will take you through one of my set ups. I will explain how I place my stand and why. I have young boys using my stands so safety first. I starts with a plan.
On this set up I cut the wovewire fence so the deer will use this access point.
Next, you will see as the deer go through the cut fence, they walk up the edge of another fence and a gate to an edge. see below
you can see the edge where more open woods meets a more thick part providing cover and security.
In this pic, you can see the where the stand is behind the pine tree to cover you as you draw.
This is what you see as you sit in the tree, the pine gives you cover. You can see where I tied the pine back so it will grow and curve.
Now to the stand itself. I bought 7/16 climbing line off of **** and my prussic's are 5/16 beeline.
I put a screw eye in the bottom of the tree to maintain tension. Remember, they are my trees.
I run the rope up between the steps so if you were to fall, you could lift yourself up.