I test drove a PAX (Cocobolo) this past winter. I had to wait for the LH bow I wanted to test drive for it to return from Kalamazoo.
I shot the bow for 45 minute at my house and called Widow. They sold me that very bow over the phone.
This particular bow had a date of 2008 and had probably been on the test drive rack a while. However, the bow was perfect. The best I could tell it had only been shot by Astronauts, Philanthropists, and War Heroes --the typical LH crowd.
I have PSAIII, PCHX and this PAX. The 1-piece PAX is my favorite as long as I keep a TD (or a few) for traveling.
I've test drove 4 bows; Widow, Silvertip, Robertson, and Super Wildcat. Bought em all. I have to be VERRRRY careful test-driving. In fact, the test drive has never failed to sell me on the bow! I need to test drive an ugly, too heavy, noisy one just so I can have the pleasure of sending one back without buying!