Ron Vought, I'm a PA bowhunter - are my observations wrong?
I don't know what site you're referring to - I read all the so-called "traditional" archery sites I can find, and post only occasionally. I'm not "from the other site", or any site for that matter, but I did read one recently where one of the posters on this thread was contradicted by some respected posters, about where to hunt somewhere north of here and the number of deer there.
Your facebook page says "I had deer all over the place", and a picture of a doe you shot. Same here, except I hunt with a recurve.
I don't think your observations are "way off base". I agree with you, there are deer all over the place here in 5C. As of today, 11,700 doe tags are still available for 5C, where some folks on this thread are saying the deer are "gone".
I've driven between here (Berks/Montco border) and York many times and almost always see deer.
They're not gone. MikeW, your son is right - no need to shed any tears - enough are being shed here as it is.