My draw is 26" (I'm 5'6"). I only shoot recurves(aesthetics more than anything else).
My bows range from 56"-62". Most of my curves are 58". Even at my short draw I think the longer 60-62" curves are more comfortable (smooth drawinig) for me. I prefer a heavier bow so I'm drawn to mostly takedowns and somewhat beefy risers. My favorites are Habu, Schafer, Rose Oak, Widows, and Bear TDs.
I've found the LH bows are far smoother to draw and prettiest to look at. (sorry)
If someone asked me what would be the easiest bow to put their hands (no long build time and not the most expensive) one that is smooth, great grip, and high performance I would refer them to the Widow PA (one-piece). I have a PAX in 58" and it is sweet!