It may be just a matter of getting a little familiarity with the system. I do mine in the near-dark when I stand up after the evening hunt. I get the arrow filed away while I can still see the slot in my bow quiver, put my shooting glove, fleece gloves, and armguard in my haversack, and pull off the Shaggie.
Then I fold it up:
1. I stand up with the label on the collar against my chest (Shaggie side away from me). Then I flip the right-hand 1/3 of the suit around away from me, then the left 1/3. This leaves the garment at the width of the center 1/3, with the Shaggie material all folded inside (with a little sticking out the bottom.
2. I put the hat and face mask in the center near the collar area, and roll it up, away from my body. As I get about 1/2 done, I look at the side facing me to be sure the two clips for the straps are centered equally. If not (and it will be, after you've done this a few times) just adjust it slightly to make an even roll and finish rolling.
3. Making sure you don't tangle in the shoulder strap, pull the cinch strap around and clip the snap together. Repeat with the other strap, throw the loop over your shoulder and take off! It makes a nice compact bundle, with everything enclosed! There are a few straggling ends of material sticking out, but everything is secure, and "pretty" takes a few seconds more.
My friend Bernie Swank, who is a dealer with Rancho Safari, does a neater job of it. He lays it on the ground, basically doing the same process, but folds the bottom edge back up into the suit before he rolls it. That way, there is no Shaggie "fringe" showing.
My way is not quite as pretty, but it is quick, and gets me wrapped up and ready to walk out in about 30 seconds. I realize my explanation may be worthless without pictures, but it IS easy, and becomes pretty automatic if you do it everyday for a few days...
Hope that helps!