These are a couple of my unique items.
The first is a picture of a lamp that I put together from parts of different lamps. The picture isn't the best, but the base is an antique brass floor lamp that has an arrow for the horizontal piece. The finial is an antler tip and the shade is similar to the ones shown previously with the bear.
This second one is a plaque that I made from an oak tree slab to commemorate a special hunt. Unfortunately the picture file size doesn't show the beauty of the burl oak. My brother and I took these 2 deer a day apart while hunting in oak trees only 20 yards apart. It was cool to be able to watch each other take the deer. These 2 bucks had been cruising together when I took the one on the left. It was the first deer I had taken with a recurve that my dad made me. My brother took the one on the right the following evening.